
2012. • 84 perc
42 vélemény
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Kumare is an enlightened guru from the East who builds a following of disciples in the West. But Kumare is not real. He is an American filmmaker named Vikram Gandhi, who has transformed himself into Kumare as the centerpiece of a social experiment designed to explore and test one of the world's most sacred taboos.

Concealing his true identity from all he meets, Kumare forges profound, spiritual connections with real people from all walks of life. At the same time, in the absurdity of living as an entirely different person, Vikram the filmmaker is forced to confront difficult questions about his own identity. At the height of his popularity he reveals his greatest teaching: his true self. A playful yet genuine and insightful look at belief and spirituality, the film crosses a line few have dared to cross, that from illusion comes truth.

Értékelések és vélemények

42 vélemény
Mobi Meta
2017. április 16.
Anyone who has ever hung out with seekers will feel at home and understand. A redeeming documentary that reminds us where enlightenment really comes from. Nice job.
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Tracy Beyer
2020. március 20.
At first I thought it was a joke but as it continued I realized that the people truly believed in Kumare and the whole time he was teaching that the guru is within you. A beautiful story. I watched this several times and will continue to watch again and again.
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2013. december 21.
Having been an agnostic my whole life until the age of 24 and then becoming a Jesus follower gave me a unique perspective into the propensity of people including myself to fall for false prophets, itching ear preachers, and con artists. Some can be well meaning or just deceived by their own ignorance, or outright tools of satan...nonetheless this is a eye opening documentary and a great lesson in being a good fruit inspector.
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