Emma Lin
It was eventually going to happen one way or another and I should've known the predicted outcome. Basically, it's every Chinese adoptee's nightmare coming true when Po discovers his origins. This movie should've been rated PG-13 if not R-Rated due to the family-unfriendly violence and traumatic scenes that will upset every Chinese adoptee that have been in Po's shoes. That's it.
Utterly fantastic, a gorgeous follow-up to the first. Shockingly dark for a story aimed at kids, I'm pleasantly surprised that DreamWorks is still pushing boundaries... but I'd personally reccomend this as an age 10 and up movie. The writing, score, vocal performances, and especially the art and animation are all mind-blowingly incredible, the wet fur effects especially impressed me.
Kenneth Lieu
I love this movie offline because my father got this from Target for $9.99 on may 20, 2016. It’s better than getting this movie in digital on YouTube. Watching in the disc wins. You know when, boss wolf, gorilla guards, shen’s wolf armies and lord shen are the villains who locked up master croc and master ox in the beginning. It’s just like from the first one which is the 2008 sequel. On YouTube, the notice said buy or rent.