Kung Fu Panda 3

2016 • 94 minút
4,86 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Po and the Furious Five are back in the hilarious and critically-acclaimed hit film your whole family will love! When Po discovers a secret village of fun-loving, clumsy pandas, he must train them to defeat Kai, a supernatural villain who threatens to destroy Kung Fu.

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4,86 tis. recenzií
David Jurmann
7. mája 2016
The best way to describe this movie is funny and entertaining. This is a very well made movie and I am glad there are 3 more films after this. This is something I don't say very often. My only complaints are that I would have liked a better final fight with Kai and I also would have liked the story to be a little more serious like kung fu panda 2, which i liked more. I would rate this movie a 8.5 out of 10.
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Victor Barleycorn
27. júla 2016
I loved Kung fu panda. Kung fu panda 2 was/is a worthy sequel. I still watch both from time to time. Just watched Kung fu panda 2 again this past weekend. Kung fu panda 3 just sort of misses the mark for me for what made the other 2 movies interesting. Basically the defeat of the villain looked too cheap. Ugwe had a lot of tricks but he worked hard for them. Po usually does too, not in this one though.
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Antoine Dubois
29. októbra 2017
Easily the worst of the kung fu panda films, but not the worst animated movie ever. I did like it's lighter moments, the animation, and some of the jokes did land. but i left the theatre mainly dissapointed. Dissapointed that I felt something was missing: more emotion. What I loved about kung fu panda 2 was that it was dark and emotional and funny and beautiful and action packed. That's something this movie lacked a balance of things. It focused way too much on the humorous jokes and gags than on the actual emotion and weight of the story, for me at least.
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