Mike Peterson (Mic Pete)
Google Play Lies !! La Vie en Rose audio/language in in French with English sub-titles not in English audio as advertised. The film is Very Grand 4-1/2★s in my view but google trys to sell more because a "foreign language" film sells less in U.S. than if in english. I rate the low star so film producers will anger upon google for false advertising. mic pete Cl;-)~ Ririe, Idaho USA 🇺🇸
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John Stoddard
This was the breast movie that I've ever seen , about Edith Piaf. Marion did a spectacular job at embodying the soul and sound of one of the most underrated and talented people of the 20th century. During WWII Edith Piaf actually preformed in occupied France for the SS at the same time assisting several Jewish families to escape out of the country. Right under the nose of the Germans. This biopic is about a genuine singer. Actual talent. Unlike the garbage singers that today offers. Watch it.
Un filme esepcional que de tristesa no se habla solo se goza y se da Uno cuenta de que no solo son notas entre una immenza voy y valor arquitectual. Se vivir y gozar gracias a tantas de pocas y unicas historias como lo es y era LA GRAN EDITH PIAF. Marion Cotillard nos muestra no solo que es lo que mas ama en la vida no lo sabemos pero de que nos entrega Todo en su misma y nos demuestra El talvez 250% de enpeño al teleportar un Gran papel, "UNIQUE CINEMA WORK OF ARTs!"