The Good Liar

2020 • 109 minút
80 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Chorvátčina, Dánčina, Estónčina, Francúzština (Francúzsko), Fínčina, Gréčtina, Holandčina, Islandčina, Japončina, Kantončina, Litovčina, Lotyština, Maďarčina, Nemčina, Nórčina, Portugalčina (Brazília), Portugalčina (Portugalsko), Poľština, Ruština, Taliančina, Thajčina, Čeština, Čínština (tradičné), Španielčina, Španielčina (Latinská Amerika) a Švédčina.

Tento film

Career con man Roy (Ian McKellen) sets his sights on his latest mark: recently widowed Betty (Helen Mirren), worth millions. And he means to take it all. But as the two draw closer, what should have been another simple swindle takes on the ultimate stakes. Legendary actors Mirren and McKellen star together on screen for the first time in this suspenseful drama about the secrets people keep and the lies they live.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

80 recenzií
14. februára 2020
Slow start, interesting middle but rushed ending with plausible conclusions by the viewer. This is not a "thriller" by any means. Watch Matchstick Men for a real con artist movie with twists and turns. Such great actors it's just to bad their first movie together wasn't made to showcase their talents.
25 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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19. februára 2020
Ian and Helen were both quite good, wife is the one that wanted to watch not me but I surprisingly enjoyed it. Great ending, glad I watched this.
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Anthony Figueroa
6. júna 2020
It seems to tell a slow story in the beginning but the twist in the end is great. Suspenseful Thriller . maybe. But it was only 3 bucks. I liked it . keep a open mind. And u will get ur money's worth.
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