Last Days in Vietnam

2014 • 97 minút
184 recenzií
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Tento film

During the chaotic final days of the Vietnam War, North Vietnamese forces closed in on Saigon as South Vietnamese resistance quickly crumbled. With the specter of a Communist victory looming and only a skeleton crew of diplomats and military operatives still in the country, the United States prepared to withdraw. As they began to realize the likely imprisonment and possible death of their South Vietnamese allies, American diplomats and soldiers confronted a moral quandary: obey White House orders to evacuate only U.S. citizens, or risk being charged with treason and save the lives of as many South Vietnamese citizens as they can. With time running out and the city under fire, an unlikely group of heroes emerged as Americans and South Vietnamese took matters into their own hands.

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184 recenzií
Osmanas Mazurinas
7. augusta 2023
What An Sad Ending America Losses Democracy Losses Against Communists And So Sad That Manny People Are Left Behind If Ambassador Evacuated Earlier Than They Helped All Vietnamese Great Sad Story Movie That Shows And Tells What Happen Till The Last Chopper And Last Breath Of South Vietnam
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Mark Luehmann
8. júla 2015
Captures the North Vietnamese take over of the Saigon, South Viet Nam.
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Používateľ služieb Google
24. júna 2018
Haven't seen it yet..but I know it would be a sad moment for me to watch when the communist take over saigon, i would cry
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