- არაკორექტულად მონიშვნა
- მიმოხილვის ისტორიის ჩვენება
+ Sound track was amazing I want to buy it. + Beautiful Scenes/choreography
best I've seen. + Ewan McGregor is a great Jesus. + Story line is bold,
stays safe biblically, very interesting and engaging. - Nudity Unexpected
in a PG13 movie - Doesn't hold to the character of Jesus in the Bible. Was
waiting for him to do some healing, speak wisdom, miracles, God speak to
him? All would have been great to see but none were in this movie. Instead
we get a weak pushed around Jesus that wants to provethedevil wrong? Stupid
- I was waiting for the scene in the Bible where Satan tempts Jesus in the
desert. Would have been a perfect resolution. Instead the end of the movie
really sucked, was very unbiblical, and two people taking pictures at the
end? Plain stupid.
Louis Wheeler
Just accept film for what it is; as a human contemplation or reflection of the challenge of our non-spiritual side of humanity vs. that which can be considered Holy. It's worthy value sets in the fact it's not trying to be religiously bias, so much as to comprehend that "Jesus" the man, not perfect was prior to becoming Christ consciousness in ridding the false self by way of transformation into divine Love. Don't judge it & try to find merit in this worthy attempt at finding our basic core of goodness.