
2022 • 107 minút
39 recenzií
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Tento film

Margot a Tyler (Anya Taylor-Joyová a Nicholas Hoult), mladý pár, cestujú na elitný, vzdialený pobrežný ostrov, aby sa navečerali v luxusnej reštaurácii, v ktorej tajomný šéfkuchár (Ralph Fiennes) pripravil honosné a drahé menu. Čoskoro však zistia, že snobským a rozmaznaným hosťom sa budú podávať šokujúce prekvapenia. V tejto temnej komédii naberá konzumný spôsob života ohromne zábavný a strašidelný rozmer. Hviezdne herecké obsadenie dopĺňajú Hong Chauová, Janet McTeerová, Judith Lightová a John Leguizamo. Režisérom filmu Menu je Mark Mylod a scenár napísali Seth Reiss a Will Tracy.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

39 recenzií
Christopher Adams
12. júna 2023
Fantastic! The acting was phenomenal, Nicholas Hoult makes a fantastic bad guy and Anya Taylor-Joy has started to grow on me. The culinary industry is portrayed beautifully in this film as well as the theme of cardinal sins reflected in the guests. There are some serious lessons to be learned in this film, least of which is humility. The ending is fitting if you consider both these themes. I would recommend this to anyone who says they love food!
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Cynthia Kirk
5. februára 2023
Starts out as an amusing spoof but devolves into the ridiculous. Anya Taylor-Joy.
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Lacie Holly
5. júla 2023
Absolutely amazing! Every detail was carefully crafted (a nod to the chef) and kept me in suspense. I highly recommend!!!
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