LeapFrog: Talking Words Factory

2011 • 34 minút
39 recenzií
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Tento film

Leap, Lily and Tad journey to the word factory where the Word Whammer, Sticky-Ick-O-Rama and more amazing machines take letters and make them into words. Humorous ryhming songs and an out-of-control word machine add to the fun.

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39 recenzií
Melissa Ajunwa Bohonos
27. novembra 2021
Helped my son learn to read at 2years old. He loved the entire series.
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Rickey Alston
30. októbra 2021
Very discriptive and understanding for my autistic 9 yr old grandson
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Aleph Diallo
20. januára 2016
I love leapfrog!
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