Leaving Neverland Part 2

2019年 • 117 分鐘
12 則評論


When allegations of abuse by Michael Jackson involving young boys surfaced in 1993, many found it hard to believe that he could be guilty of such unspeakable acts. This film explores the experiences of two young boys who were both befriended by Jackson. Through gut-wrenching interviews with two of the accusers, now in their 30s, as well as their mothers, wives and siblings, “Leaving Neverland” crafts a portrait of sustained abuse, and explores the complicated feelings that led both men to confront their experiences after each had a young son of his own. Warning: This film contains explicit descriptions of sexual abuse that may be disturbing to viewers.


12 則評論
ann landers
Read my review of Part 1. In sum, it is garbage. Not one word is true. This was created to help the two guys in it get millions from the Michael Jackson Estate. I say this not because I am an MJ fan but because I have done extensive research on Michael and these two guys. Forget Michael. Focus on Wade Robson and James Safechuck. Both are serial perjurers/liars and the is all about money. Shame on Sundance, HBO and others involved in this disgusting piece of trash. That includes Oprah and a few others who contributed to the slander. Don't believe one word of this so-called "documentary". It is a MOVIE as in FICTION. Revolted you? It was supposed to. Disgusted you? It was supposed to. Repulsed you? It was supposed to. Now do the research and you will see the truth.
Paul Snyder
Spolier alert- Tragic and sad. I fail to see how anyone could think it's a witch hunt after watching both parts of this. The reality of the two main accusers and the people around them, all the detail and emotion surrounding their testaments, is hard to deny. A beloved super-talented megastar can also be a manipulative pedophile insulated from consequence. I wish it weren't so, but after objectively watching this whole doc it's hard to believe otherwise. I always wanted to believe he was just quirky or asexual, but he made these young men his boyfriends at the height of his superstardom, when they were impressionable kids. Their families were also manipulated. He was able to fairly easily hide and maintain these sexualized relationships. An apparently very real wake of devastation as a result. Don't watch if you want to remember MJ as the gentle benign music artist he was publicly.
Collin Tse
Anyone who is a fan of Michael Jackson is definitely going to waste their time watching this and even their money for either renting or buying it.

