
2020. g. • 100 minūšu
351 atsauksme
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Kas tevi padara par... TEVI? Šajā novembrī animācijas studija "Pixar" piedāvā jaunu filmu "Dvēsele", kurā mūzikas skolotājam Džo Gārdneram tiek piedāvāta viņa mūža lielākā iespēja – spēlēt pilsētas prestižākajā džeza klubā. Taču viens kļūdains solis aizved viņu no Ņujorkas ielām uz Vareno Pirmssauli – fantastisku vietu, kur jaunās dvēseles pirms došanās uz Zemi iegūst savu personību, rakstura iezīmes un intereses. Džo apņemas atgriezties dzīvē un apvieno spēkus ar dumpīgo dvēseli nr. 22, kuru itin nemaz neinteresē cilvēciskā pieredze. Kamēr Džo izmisīgi cenšas parādīt 22 visus dzīves jaukumus, viņš nonāk tuvāk atbildēm uz savas dzīves svarīgākajiem jautājumiem.

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351 atsauksme
Blood Hawk
2021. gada 24. marts
Dear fellow Googlers Overview: Soul was one of the most touching movie s from the motion picture company Pixar. Summery: The story revolves around a middle aged African American, music teacher man named Joe Gardener are games life a bit for granted, but this all changes one day when he gets his dream job: A jazz musician. But a tragedy happens. Joe dies and his Soul separates from his body and goes to a place called the great beyond a place where Souls to go rest. But Joe I not done with life yet, and falls to the great before, where Souls are born and transfer to bodies. In this place Joe now has to get a "spark" to go back to the human world. To get the spark he makes a deal with a soul called 22 who does not want to be a human. But she Joe gets into trouble and somehow Joe gets into a body of a cat and 22 gets into more past body. And this leads some whacky event Reveiw: This easily was unique. It is not often that a kids movie talks about death, life, and mortality. And it was deep material that in the end leaves you in tears. So i n short 10\10 Sincerely your friend The E.Y.E
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Milana M
2021. gada 1. maijs
This had much potential given its topic, but it's just another boring story without any laughs or interesting characters. Every scene just disappointed, and you're left wanting your time back.
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Angel Lockheart
2022. gada 18. marts
This was such a amazing movie. I laughed, cried, and couldn't take my eyes off of this movie. I watched this multiple times that day, and it's just.. watch it please. Especially hits hard with those who are going through a lot of stuff. Beautiful, amazing plot, wonderful characters. Will watch this any day...just have to take my make up off first 🥺
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