Lemonade and Ducktape Stuffs

2015 • 38 минут
17 отзывов
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Информация о фильме

Lemonade and Ducktape Stuffs is a film about quitting. Giving up on the everyday routine and having fun. It was time to say farewell to appeasing the masses and check out. It's not easy. Actually it's really hard. Thats what makes it right. This how we want to be remembered.

Оценки и отзывы

17 отзывов
Graeme Renney
18 января 2016 г.
OMG! Is there a video filter the editor hasn't applied to this film. It constantly rotates between HD, SD, black and white with random close up shots of a painting? Maybe he was working on two films at the same time and got the footage mixed up as 50% of the shots are unrelated. I can't decide if this was an attempt to be artistic that went wrong or was it just supposed to be a joke. Sound track is trash too.
Lisa Renney
18 января 2016 г.
I've watched many amazing mtb films but this one was very disappointing. Far too many filming filters and techniques used; it's as though the editor was a kid in a sweet shop that tried everything possible in one film. Have they had too many redbulls!!! The film just didnt make sense. Unless the intention was to be utterly disjointed and give the viewer a headache. Wish I had my £8 back to put towards therapy to get over the head bust. I don't usually write reviews but made an exception for this one.
Jorge Gomes
17 декабря 2015 г.
Love the home movie feel of the movie. You can see these guys are all great friends out having a good time. Congrats too all of you for being kings of your own destinies....cheers boys