Let Him Go

2020年 • 113分
14 件のレビュー
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Following the loss of their son, retired sheriff George Blackledge (Costner) and his wife Margaret (Lane) leave their Montana ranch to rescue their young grandson from the clutches of a dangerous family living off the grid in the Dakotas, headed by matriarch Blanche Weboy. When they discover the Weboys have no intention of letting the child go, George and Margaret are left with no choice but to fight for their family.


14 件のレビュー
Jessica Hazel
Jesus. Christ. I can't believe Kevin Costner agreed to star in this movie. It's quite possibly the WORST MOVIE EVER. I stupidly bought this instead of renting it, based on some of the 4 star reviews it miraculously received (and I was hoping it would be as good as Yellowstone). Please listen to the 1 star review below that describes it as a "flop". I want my money back.
Duchess Ravenwaves
This movie doesn’t deserve a star. Was completely boring. Absolutely nothing happens till the last 5 mins. Don’t watch unless you are trying to sleep
Paige Wilcox
I was a bit confused about what this film wanted to be, as it felt like it started out as a drama and pretty abruptly went in a different direction. That said, I still enjoyed the ride.