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2014 • 141 daqiqa
110 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Kolya lives in a small town near the Barents Sea, in northern Russia. He has his own auto-repair shop. His shop stands right next to the house where he lives with his young wife Lilya and his son from a previous marriage Roma. Vadim Shelevyat, the Mayor of the town, wants to take away his business, his house and his land. First he tries buying off Kolya, but Kolya cannot stand losing everything he has, not only the land, but also all the beauty that has surrounded him from the day of his birth. So Vadim Shelevyat starts being more aggressive...
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Reytinglar va sharhlar

110 ta sharh
Slavik Ivantsiv
8-fevral, 2015
Very gloomy even for Russia. I don't know how realistic it is, for most of russians it will look exotic - except of drinking and corruption.
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Dan Cross
4-iyun, 2015
Leviathan is long, slow and rather bleak. And yet, it is also rather compelling. Cracking cinematography as well.
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Piotr Adamiak
30-may, 2015
Brilliant depiction of a battle between a typical citizen and corrupt local government bureaucrats in a small town in Russia.
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