
2016 • 95 minút
153 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Dánčina, Francúzština, Fínčina, Nemčina, Nórčina, Portugalčina, Portugalčina (Brazília), Poľština, Ruština, Taliančina, Turečtina, Čeština, Španielčina a Švédčina.

Tento film

LICKS follows the story of a young man, D, as he returns to his Oakland neighborhood after serving two years in prison for a robbery gone wrong. In the days after his release, we are taken into D's world while he navigates the harsh realities that plague his inner city community. His judgment is tested by the insidious influences around him, forcing D to decide what direction to take his life.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

153 recenzií
Alan B
3. februára 2016
I've seen this movie at least 7 times, every time it was like seeing it for the first. Great movie, well put together, you forget that it's an indie film, the story develops in a timely fashion, and the plot twist keep you guessing. If you’re a fan of urban coming of age tales such as Boyz in da Hood or Menace II Society Licks is definitely worth a watch. I've brought numerous friends to see this film and they've all loved it. Anyone who has seen the trailer is instantly addicted and can't wait to see the film for themselves. Being an Oakland native the references to non-tourist bay area locations and use of local music also adds to the lure of the film, but it is only a great additive. Licks is for sure a cult classic in the making.
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Afele Coleman
19. júna 2020
Finally watching this for the 1st time because my cousins friend is in the film & we all watching it right now. Its clear how this film really set a standard for all the Bay Area based films that came out since. Big Up to the cast & crew of Licks. I hope this film gets its props & respect it set the bar for films shot in the Bay. OneLove
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Brian Morilla
3. februára 2016
Had been waiting years to see this. Was nervous to travel up to Oakland alone for the screeners, so I chose to wait for the release. So happy to support the talent that created this raw and powerful film. It was a hard watch, but in the end it was well worth it. The direction was superb and the cast was filled with powerhouse performances. Very real story from people who lived in these very real situations.
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