Lies I Told My Little Sister

2014 • 98 minutos
1 recensión
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Acerca desta película

LIES I TOLD MY LITTLE SISTER is the story of the Webber family. Growing up, the family revolved around three sisters; Sarah, Cory, and Jane. In the present, where the bulk of the story takes place, Sarah has passed away after a bout with cancer, leaving Cory and Jane to both deal with the void and move forward.

Valoracións e recensións

1 recensión
Judy Duffy
6 de outubro de 2015
A family trip, packing all the childhood sisters' baggage! Set on Cape Cod, fabulous acting, drama combined with laughter for a lovely mix. Recovering from a death in the family, yet ultimately uplifting. Even a bit of romance. Nice songs in the soundtrack too.