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Zack Snyder's Justice League (Zack Snyder’s Justice League)

2021年 • 242分
316 件のレビュー


スーパーマンの壮絶な犠牲を決して無駄にしてはならない。ブルース・ウェインはダイアナ・プリンスと手を組み、迫りくる破滅的な脅威から世界を守るために超人たちのチームを作ろうとする。だが、その困難さはブルースの想像を超えていた。彼が仲間に引き入れようとする一人ひとりが、乗り越えがたい壮絶な過去をもつために、その苦しみからなかなか前に進めないでいたからだ。しかし、だからこそ彼らは団結することができ、ついに前例のないヒーローたちのチームを結成する。バットマン、ワンダーウーマン、アクアマン、サイボーグ、そしてフラッシュは、ステッペンウルフ、デサード、ダークサイドとその恐るべき陰謀から地球を守れるのか、それとも時すでに遅しなのか……。 Rating G JUSTICE LEAGUE and all related characters and elements and trademarks of and (C) DC. Zack Snyder's Justice League (C) 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.


316 件のレビュー
Karl W
Love the movie, hate google play service, keep getting errors when trying to load films on the tv due to an update that has corrupted my entire library, paid for the 4k release and it shows in a box rather than full screen. Requested a refund when speaking to a google rep Alex or Axle, they ended the chat without resolving the issue. Piss poor service go elsewhere for your rental and viewing pleasure.
36 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Michael L Bellis
Do not buy on Google Play!!!! Don't get me wrong, the film was light years better than the other, but I'm describing my experience watching the movie on Google Movies. The aspect ratio of the movie is the old 4:3, BUT, if you have a wide-screen like we all do in this modern age, Google ruins the experience with a text on the top left, outside the 4:3 movie but cut short because of the movie, saying 'Video will begin shortly', which DOES NOT dissapear throughout the whole film - Rubbish google!
Sam Hoare
Overall this movie was an extended version of what we had in 2017, with extra slow mo scenes and cheesier/cringier dialogue and dream sequences. Alot of what was added I question whether it was originally planned or added as a result of hindsight following so much fan hype on Twitter. I'm a fan of DC and I can say this was not up there, I'm not sure what everyone else watched but this was a 4/10.
4 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました

