Lila & Eve

2015 • 93 minutu
1250 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

Lila, a grieving mother whose son was killed in a drive-by shooting, attends a support group where she meets Eve, who has also lost her daughter to street violence. When the police prove incapable of bringing those responsible to justice, Lila and Eve team up as vigilantes and take matters into their own hands.

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1250 iritzi
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2015(e)ko abenduaren 4(a)
There have always been injustices in the world. Take it as sacrifice to God... because vengeance will be His. Those who commit injustices & their supporters, that go unpunished, and those who turn a blind eye... karma's effects never fail. Sin gives power to death. Evil begets evil... just as they have taken away from your family, so shall it be taken from theirs. What the enemy has stolen, God will replenish ten fold. Suffering is a lesson. Do not be overcome by evil. Overcome evil with Good.
10 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Heather H
2016(e)ko urtarrilaren 17(a)
The emotion in this movie was well felt, though Viola Davis brings this like only few can. She and Jennifer Lopez matched up is an interesting pair. Losing a child is painful enough, though losing him/her by a human being's hand has no words to encapsulate what a parent feels. This movie explores the avenues of bereavement - emotionally & mentally.
Freedom Freedom
2016(e)ko urtarrilaren 16(a)
Viola Davis I just think she's one of the finest actors out there. Jennifer Lopez I just love her also. I didn't go into this movie expecting a lot because of Jennifer Lopez but I did enjoy seeing these two work together. Yes it was cheesy at times . Yes Jennifer Lopez needs more acting classes but It's JLO . It's a fun Sunday night movie to watch and on that note. I'm giving it 5 stars.