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Little Women

1994 • 118 минути
262 рецензии
Нема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на германски, дански, кинески (традиционално), норвешки, португалски, руски, тајландски, унгарски, фински, хебрејски, холандски, чешки, шведски и шпански (Латинска Америка).

За филмов

Louisa May Alcott's classic novel about a family of women in Civil War-era New England is again brought to the screen in this adaptation. The focus is on the March sisters, four young girls raised by their mother (Susan Sarandon) after their father leaves for battle as part of the Union Army. At the center is Jo March (Winona Ryder), an idiosyncratic would-be writer said to be based on Alcott herself, but the film also focuses on the stories of her sisters -- the more conventional Meg (Trini Alvarado), the innocent Beth (Claire Danes), and the precocious Amy (Kirsten Dunst and Samantha Mathis, who represent Amy at different ages.) The film spans years, following the girls' struggles with life's challenges and illustrating how their family connection remains strong in the face of tragedies large and small. Australian director Gillian Armstrong emphasizes the story's feminist elements, particularly in Jo's journey to independence.

Оцени и рецензии

262 рецензии
لا لو
27 декември 2018
بتجنن الراوية وبتعقد بس في شغلي انو ياريت لو لوري تزوج جو كان احسن من انو يتزوج ايمي والله بتجنن 😘😍😗
18 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?
Sara Elizabeth Flores
8 јуни 2021
Es un ejemplo de sencillez, solidaridad, union familiar y esfuerzo para salir adelante en momentos dificiles. Primando siempre la alegria y el amor
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?
jesus moises
18 октомври 2019
Si lo vi por pura casualidad, bien bonita la pelí. Por cierto bellisimas las actrices.
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?

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