Lonesome Jim

2008 • 87 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

Trees Lounge director Steve Buscemi presents a touching, inspirational comedy drama about a young man trying to get back on the path to happiness.Jim begrudgingly returns to his hometown in rural Indiana after failing to make it on his own in New York. Once back, living in his childhood room, he soon remembers why he left: a doting but overbearing mother a distant father and a depressed older brother.Soon after his homecoming, Jim's brother gets in a mysterious car accident, and Jim is forced to take on his brother's duties -- working at his parent's factory and helping out with his two nieces. Crippled by these obligations and his own anxieties, Jim trudges on. A glimmer of hope springs from his developing relationship with a local nurse and her young son, and Jim slowly learns how to move forward without leaving everyone behind.

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4 recenzie
Používateľ služieb Google
10. augusta 2012
A subtle film that avoids almost all the Hollywood clichés. Is brilliantly written and produced, is easy to relate to the characters and their stories. I highly recommend you watch this one.