Long Way North

2017 • 81 minutu
18 iritzi
Ikus ezazu web-arakatzaile batean edo bateragarriak diren gailuetan Lortu informazio gehiago
Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Sacha has always been fascinated by the exciting life of her grandfather, an Arctic explorer who has yet to return from his expedition to conquer the North Pole. Defying her parents’ wishes, she flees her home in search of him and his ship.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

18 iritzi
Catherine 'Erin' Ishimoticha
2017(e)ko urtarrilaren 29(a)
So good! Very artsy, good for kids, though a bit emotional. Strong girl main character sheds the aristocracy to find her grandfather.
2 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Caleb Potts
2017(e)ko urtarrilaren 4(a)
Gorgeous visuals and a compelling story. While not as complicated as other animated classics, it is a simple tale that is well-told. The English dub is nothing special, but it gets the job done.
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Arash Farahmand
2017(e)ko apirilaren 30(a)
What an adventure! The dubbing could be better to convey emotions.
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Baloratu filma

Eman iezaguzu iritzia.