The sound, film design, production is top tier 5 star, but the story or whatever thisabout is trash.. a serial killer movie need to have actual serial killing going down while leaving signature stamps on bodies for the fbi lady to stress and work on about... wasted my money on this.. only reason i finished it is because i didnt want my money waste. took me 3 watch to fully end it before 48hr.
Andrew Walters
Great movie! It's a shame that even if you pay for 4K through Google TV/Youtube, you can only watch in 720p or 480p (in the year 2024?!) unless it's a specific device (i.e not a computer/surface/laptop, or Xbox/PS) which they don't make clear at time of purchase.
Winifred Hunter
It is cute animated film that's perfect for a family movie night. While the story is enjoyable, it's a bit predictable at times.