Looking for Fidel

2006 • 60 minút
3 recenzie
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Tento film

Academy-Award winning director, Oliver Stone delivers a candid, in-depth conversation with one of the most controversial world leaders of our time, Fidel Castro. Stone challenges Castro to explain actions following the execution of three political dissidents who attempted to hijack a ferry to the United States in April 2003. Castro's response and his actions were condemned worldwide, further isolating Cuba. Stone was given unprecedented access, interviewing not only Castro, but many of the prisoners, their wives, leading dissidents and human rights advocates -- all of whom express their views forcefully in the emotionally charged environment of Cuba today. Whether or not you accept Castroå«s world view, Stoneå«s tough but fair portrait helps to illuminate Cuba's unique and complicated place in the world. Is Castro a moral leader defending his small island against a superpower or is he an ironfisted tyrant who tolerates no criticism? Or is the truth somewhere in between?

Hodnotenia a recenzie

3 recenzie
Julio Suarez
25. februára 2017
Didn't come to Miami so we could say things a lot different. This is just propaganda.