Set in a live-action world in which Warner Bros.' beloved assortment of irreverent animated entertainers interact with human characters for maximum comic effect, the story unfolds on the Studio backlot and careens all over the map in time-honored Looney Tunes style. Our celluloid heroes embark on a hilarious adventure that takes them from Hollywood to Las Vegas, Paris and the jungles of Africa in search of BRENDAN FRASER's character's missing father and the mythical Blue Monkey Diamond."Two thumbs up!" - EBERT & ROEPER"At last, a family movie for the whole family." - John Pungente, BRAVO"Looney, fun, wild action and laughs, stunts and gags galore." - David Sheehan, CBS-TV MPAA Rating: PG (c) 2003 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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