Lord of War

2005 • 121 minút
689 recenzií
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Tento film

A wily arms dealer (Nicholas Cage) dodges bullets and betrayal as he schemes his way to the top of his profession, only to come face to face with his conscience. But it's not easy to leave a life of girls, guns, and glamour when nobody wants you to stop, not even your enemies.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

689 recenzií
חיה רחל
29. marca 2020
Based loosely on the true story of an arms dealer from South Brooklyn and his story. One of my all-time favorite movies. The music, the story, the actors and performances are all fantastic. Definitely a must-see movie. I don't understand the terrible reviews; this movie was excellent even after watching it multiple times. It's one of Nicholas Cage's better films.
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27. apríla 2012
This movie was a disappointment. They, the actors, didn't have many lines to memorize!! All they needed to do is spout off all the junior high swear words they ever learned!!! The movie got lost in the useless, childish language that would normally be heard in aB rated movie. I expected much more integrity from Cage. Very sad. This movie needed mature, educated actors to pull off the depth of the truth of this story. Instead, we got boys who liked to pretend they were " tough guys". Too bad.
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15. júna 2012
Lord of War is an exellento movie the first 20-30 minutes may be slow to some but the rest is action packed. Nicolas cage plays the part of an arms dealer perfectly and the movie has some really funny parts(lead singer tof 30 seconds to mars drawso Ukraine with a razorblade and a kiolo of coke lol) anyway,this is a must see movie if you like an action packed thriller with good comedy. Has some good boobie shots too :D
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