Lost in America

2020 • 93 минут
25 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
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It's tragic that in the world's wealthiest country, 4.2 million teenagers are homeless. Former Navy veteran and homeless youth, director Rotimi Rainwater shows viewers the realities of life on the streets as he travels the country to shine a light on the epidemic of youth homelessness in America. With the help of celebrities and politicians who have been homeless themselves or advocates of the repressed, this film takes a large scale issue down to a very personal level.

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25 пікір
MysteryGirl Smith
2020 ж. 27 қараша
I watched with a friend and the tears flowed as the documentary played. There’s a pattern to this cycle of poverty, drug addiction, homelessness, and dependency on the government who has convinced many that only with their help can you survive. There is no reason that our country where millions are trying to enter should ever have this problem, yet it continues in a system specifically set up by leftist politicians to pander for votes. As Pelosi, Feinstein and now a possible VP-elect Harris, who has the furthest left agenda of any politician, and a track record of incarcerating the most blacks for harsh sentences that don’t fit the crime, the cycle continues. The Hollywood elite that stand behind these greedy politicos are just as much to blame for conditions, and the perpetual enslavement of our citizens. What is it going to take to throw these monsters out of office? Look at what they did to President Trump from the second he got into office. The spying, the lies, the fake files bought and paid for by our tax dollars to bring down a man who wasn’t and will never be in their keep the people dependent on the government from birth to end. A man who not only brought jobs, prison reform and everything the left is against. Until people wake up to stop this cycle, it will only get worse. Stop voting these leftists into office.
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2020 ж. 21 маусым
Thanx "lightning McQueen", im also a vet same wars and job as you and seen/experienced the same stuff. Its so sad. These lefty leaders just want us to bend the knes and become enslaved to thier will.. Politicians and celebrities are the main ones to blame. California is the perfect example of political oppression on minorities for blue votes. Dems been manipulating the lower class for the elite since the 90's. And these celebrities have helped them. #bend thekneeforNancy
Бұл пікір 21 адамға пайдалы болды.
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Jessica Andres
2020 ж. 10 маусым
Films like this break my heart. I would have given it 5 stars if It didn't make me cry so much.
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