Stevie Micks
This is, what it is. Half naked men dancing. The comedy was great, the love interest unbelievable, and drug use campy. The time line of The main characters life and explained missing characters from the first by a passing mention was just... meh. The dancing in this movie makes the first movie look like a grade school dance off. A little over the top at the Male Dancer Competition, but what do I know. That's not my life style. This was a raunchy movie that pushed ratings and made money for the studios.
Jamelle Streeter
I'm giving this 4 stars cause it was great!! All the haters need to remember that movies were made to entertain! Some people have become way to interested in picking every single piece apart, that's sad! You need your smile back! This was funny and the dancing was great and it's the perfect girls night movie with a bottle of wine! If you rented this movie looking for a plot your an idiot! Hello, it's a stripper movie!! I totally agree so much better then the first. Loved Jada you go girl!
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chosen one
Sorry I slept thru some parts of the movie. However I loved the scene with Michael Straham & of course twich. Channing's strip part in the Jada's home. I LIKE IT but it felt like a loooonnnggg road trip. All the cast were great.