Man in Red Bandana

2017 • 79 minutos
18 opiniones
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Acerca de esta película

Man In Red Bandana' is a documentary film about the inspirational story of a true American hero... Welles Remy Crowther. Welles worked on the 104th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center and tragically died on 9/11. His heroics became known eight months later as a result of an ordinary item... a red bandana. The film depicts the events leading up to the 'red bandana' revelation, and then re-traces Welles' courageous actions that fateful day. It closes by showing the thousands of people (family, friends and strangers) who have been inspired by Welles' actions and the unique ways in which they honor him. These honors set up the final reveal... an amazing secret about Welles that is best described as inspirational.

Calificaciones y opiniones

18 opiniones
Nikki O.
13 de setiembre de 2017
After reading The Red Bandanna by Tom Rinaldi, I felt a strong urge to know more about Welles's story. The very next day I bought tickets to view Man in Red Bandana. I was 20 years old when 9/11 happened and I have not seen footage of the actual day since the first day when I watched the 2nd tower fall on TV. Re-watching the footage in the documentary brought me back to that time when my innocence of youth was forever changed. The documentary includes other survivors accounts of that day in the South Tower and how a man named Welles Crowther risked his own life to save others. He was only 24 years old with a life ahead of him and it pains me that he, along with the others who lost their lives that day, will never get another day. I am grateful that his documentary was made. It will never bring Welles' or the others back, but it gave the Crowther's a special gift- their son will be a legacy for years to come. I know that does not make it any easier, but I hope they found peace in knowing they raised a magnificent, selfless man.
Un usuario de Google
14 de setiembre de 2017
This moving documentary tells the story of Welles Crowther, an equities trader and volunteer firefighter who saved at least 10 lives in the World Trade Center on 9/11. The movie blends interviews and news reports to reveal the heart and courage of "The Man in the Red Bandana," who sacrificed his life for others and whose legacy has inspired and taught people all over the world about selflessness and kindness. The story of Welles is also the story of his family, who kept his legacy alive, and of the Red Bandana movement he inspired. You might cry through this movie, but you'll be glad you watched it.
Matthew Weiss
11 de setiembre de 2017
A must-see film with one of the best endings of any documentary. Get ready to shed a tear but then be inspired and uplifted. This film faithfully and caringly tells the story of Welles Crowther, a 9/11 hero. He and his red bandana is remember throughout the country.including by former President Barak Obama.