Man of God

2022 • 108 mínútur
13 umsagnir
Horfðu í vafra eða í studdum tækjum Nánar
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Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause yet his love for people and his faith conquered all.

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13 umsagnir
William Byrne
1. ágúst 2022
I enjoyed the film and learning about Saint Nektarios. I have the impression his story would be better served through a series of episodes.
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jefferson Jefferson
3. ágúst 2022
Jesus Christ Son Of God Have Mercy On Me A Sinner. A beautiful film.
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Timothy Deneffe
2. ágúst 2022
Saw this in theatres. What a shining star of Christ's true nature to our twisted modern faith systems.
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