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Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel

2019 • 123 daqiqa
1,93 ming ta sharh
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Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel takes you on a spectacular adventure from the 1990s, tracing the path of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) as she becomes one of the most powerful heroes in the universe. When a galactic war reaches Earth, she meets young agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) at the center of a maelstrom, leading to her ultimate destiny as an Avenger!
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1,93 ming ta sharh
14-aprel, 2022
Not their best work. Captain Marvel really never in any danger or even in any emotional conflict. She breezes through the entire movie solving everything with physical strength. No build-up, no tension, no drama. The story is bland and mediocre at best. The special effect are amazing though. I kinda hate that they make Fury eye injury that has been foreshadowed in previous films a joke.
Jamil Alaba
18-aprel, 2021
I don't know if its the actor's fault or the script it self. Captain marvel was faced with no conflict whatsoever in the movie. She is emotionless and bland, maybe the script is written like this. No point in the movie was the protagonist in any real danger. Movie is just showing us how powerful she really is, which was already shown in previous marvel movies
96 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
bE craZy
26-iyul, 2019
Just like Spider-Man in homecoming, I think that Marvel is not showing captain marvel's true potentials in this movie or sometimes it may be a simple movie to introduce a new and powerful character in MCU.Just like Far from home, Captain marvel's second movie could be awesome & thrilling.I really felt boring while watching this movie.😴😴
45 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan