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Mary Poppins Returns

2019 • 130 мүнөт
428 сын-пикир
Курактык чектөө
Азырынча кыргыз тилинде коштолгон видео да, коштомо жазуулар да жок. Коштомо жазуулар төмөнкү тилдерде жеткиликтүү: аканча, англисче, индонезияча, кытайча (Салттуу), малайча жана тайча

Бул кино тууралуу

The magic returns in Disney's reimagined classic as Mary Poppins (Emily Blunt) helps the Banks family remember the joy of what it's like to be a child. Together with her friend Jack the lamplighter (Lin-Manuel Miranda), fun is brought back to the streets of London in celebration that everything is possible…even the impossible!
Курактык чектөөлөр

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

428 сын-пикир
2019-ж., 5-октябрь
The songs have nothing to do with the plot. The plot takes so long to progress. Mary Poppins didn't really do much to help the family. So, I have to wonder why this movie is praised so much.
17 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
Margie Shahlini
2021-ж., 26-август
What watcha, Or gacha?... Gacha, Yes gacha... Yah, Gacha itu juga gak berhasil kalau ke banyakan men-menci... Lalu kalau kebanyakan gacha baju kalian juga tidak bagus... Ayo, Cobalah! Video tentang ini tidak biasa. Can you talk Bahasa Indonesia? I can speak/write English but it's a bit difficult... Kepala --- English: Head I know my heart is beating to write... Aku tau hati-ku itu lelas buat menulis.. But my enrgy is a vier lolita... Tapi lalis ku lagi gak lulus dalam lolita.. Juga melahir yah..
7 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
Vanessa King
2022-ж., 29-январь
A lovely, uplifting film. The musical score and animation is of a high calibre in the style of the original. Emily Blunt is excellent as Mary Poppins.