Max (2015)

2015 • 110 minutes
3.09K reviews
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About this movie

Max, a precision-trained military dog, serves on the frontlines in Afghanistan alongside his handler, U.S. Marine Kyle Wincott. But when things go terribly wrong on maneuvers, Kyle is mortally wounded and Max, traumatized by the loss of his best friend, is unable to remain in service. Shipped stateside, the only human he seems willing to connect with is Kyle's teenage brother, Justin. Justin's growing trust in Max helps the four-legged veteran revert back to his heroic self, and as the pair race against time to unravel the mystery behind Kyle's death, they find more excitement-and danger-than they bargained for. But they each might also find an unlikely new best friend…in each other.

Ratings and reviews

3.09K reviews
Ken Wu
December 28, 2016
This is an exciting movie about a young boy and his brother's dog who both served in the army. Max, the dog was only calm and felt safe with Justin, Kyle's little brother. At first Justin didn't like the idea of caring for a "crazy" dog. Lucikly his friend Chewy had a cousin who understood dogs well. She helped Justin get controll of Max, who later helped Justin save his father, who also served in the army. Max used his nose to lead Justin, Chewy, and Carmen to Justin's dad who was kidnapped by a bad guy ileagally smuggling and selling weapons from Afghanistan.
9 people found this review helpful
Adyson Payton
July 25, 2016
I have a really good connection with dogs I have been with them my whole life. When ever this movie comes on me and my father sit and watch through out the whole movie and the record it and watch it the next day! It's a great movie for kids and family, I mean children know there death in the world and they know it's sad and they also know there are wars. I guess I could understand if some people don't want there kids watching it but in all its a fabulous movie and I loved it and the actors.
55 people found this review helpful
sheed Diggy
October 8, 2015
It could of been better .It felt really rushed. Some bad acting and corny lines and a lot of it just didn't make sense. How the hell does a dog escape for a shelter lol..Over all it was just ok..not bad but I don't see how the hell it got a great scores
41 people found this review helpful