Max 2: White House Hero

2017 • 85 минут
216 отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
PG (только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

Max is assigned to the White House while Butch, the secret service dog, is on maternity leave. He meets TJ, a 12 year old boy, who is the President’s son. Due to his father’s high profile, he is trying hard to fit in and lead a normal life. During a state visit by the Russian President and his daughter, Alexandra (Alex), TJ is asked to accompany her, during their stay. TJ befriends Alex, but when they get into trouble, Max comes to the rescue!
Возрастные ограничения
PG (только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

216 отзывов
D. Machado
2 июня 2017 г.
The best participation was of max that dog maximum actors that work but bad good luck #wanerbros could improve the best part of this movie was part one,They have to leave the actors of the first movie but from this part the star is by max
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crackedy anne
2 марта 2018 г.
I think its easy to assume that it was awful when there was no trailer nor mention of this movie prior to this point. Just another pointless uninspired Hollywood sequel that has nothing to do with the mediocre predecessor
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Пользователь Google
24 августа 2018 г.
Im just gonna point it out but this movie isnt a real sequel because its from another company and they dont even have the same dog in the real and better max
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