Max Payne

2008 • 99 minút
481 recenzií
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Tento film

Max Payne is a maverick cop -- a mythic anti-hero -- determined to track down those responsible for the brutal murders of his family and partner. Hell-bent on revenge, his obsessive investigation takes him on a nightmare journey into a dark underworld. As the mystery deepens, Max is forced to battle enemies beyond the natural world and face an unthinkable betrayal.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

481 recenzií
Shanley McCray
6. mája 2022
Por qué soy fanático del videojuego de Max Payne, así que me emocioné cuando pusieron una película basada en el videojuego, pero fue mala, esta película no sigue nada del juego, al menos Mortal Kombat (1995) siguió el juego. y esta película no hace nada para mejorar el juego... ¡eso es terrible! pero le di 2 estrellas porque los efectos de eventos especiales son bastante buenos
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Ahmad Whitmire
14. decembra 2015
I'm a fan of the max Payne video game so I was hiped when they put a film based on the video game but it was bad this film doesn't follow anything from the game at least mortal kombat (1995) followed the game and this film doesn't do a darn thing to rissemble the game...that's terrible!! but I gave it 2 stars because the special events effects are pretty good
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Al Will
7. decembra 2014
Had potential. But veered away from the game. Its a simple "man has nothing to lose revenge story" how do you mess that up?
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