May I Kill U?

2014. • 87 минута
26 рецензија
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О овом филму

Baz (Barry Vartis) is one of Britain's new breed of police, a cycle cop. Although he appears to be a figure of fun, a freak accident turns him into a psychopath...
As riots break out in London, a head injury changes Baz from an everyday police officer into a mad vigilante, offering no-hope criminals a stark choice, arrest or death. Baz sees this campaign as 'lawful killing'. Criminals too stunned, confused, or drunk to argue are politely asked, "May I kill you?" and merrily dispatched on their final journey. All these exchanges are recorded on Baz' helmet-cam and posted anonymously on social networks.
Using the alter ego '@N4cethelaw' Baz acquires an increasing number of fans with each killing, dispensing justice to scumbags, cleaning up society like some bizarre and deadly 'Robin Hood', ridding society of its' ills.
But, in a sudden reversal, Baz is captured by an enraged relative of one of his presumed "kills" and faces slaughter or even worse... exposure.

Оцене и рецензије

26 рецензија
Glenn Payne
4. јануар 2016.
What a wild ride this film is! Jump into the world of this vigilante cop who's cleaning up the streets while also racking up the views. Enjoy some indie filmmaking fun! :D
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Danica Bezanov
13. мај 2014.
I truly enjoyed watching this film, found it bitingly sharp in its humour, irony, and relevance to society today... Kevin Bishop is a joy to watch in a very convincing lead performance that represents a breakout from TV comedy and smaller roles in feature films. Frances Barber is superb as Kevin's mother. The film mocks our twin obsessions with serial killers and social media to great effect...yet at the same time there is an eery feeling that all that could still happen for real....Bring on more films like this one!!!
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P. Barry
9. фебруар 2015.
This British dark comedy comes with high production values and great cinematography. It's an inventive ride that crosses genre, keeping the viewer off his guard. If you're tired of predictable mainstream films, and have a dark sense of humor -- this film is for you.
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