Maybe I Do

2023. • 94 minute
2 recenzije
PG-13 (djeca mlađa od 13 godina moraju imati roditeljski nadzor)
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O ovom filmu

In New York City's splendor, Michelle and Allen's romance is at the point where it is time for the parents to finally meet. But now face-to-face, the dinner quickly spirals out of control as the parents realize each spouse is sleeping with the other. Trying to hide the affairs from the kids, their antics turn the night into comedic chaos.
PG-13 (djeca mlađa od 13 godina moraju imati roditeljski nadzor)

Ocjene i recenzije

2 recenzije
Veronica Holmes
21. ožujka 2023.
Wow! The best movie!
Je li vam to bilo korisno?

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