Me Before You

2016 • 110 minutter
4,08k anmeldelser
11 år
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Om denne filmen

Young and quirky Louisa "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) moves from one job to the next to help her family make ends meet. Her cheerful attitude is put to the test when she becomes a caregiver for Will Traynor (Sam Claflin), a wealthy young banker left paralyzed from an accident two years earlier. Will's cynical outlook starts to change when Louisa shows him that life is worth living. As their bond deepens, their lives and hearts change in ways neither one could have imagined.
11 år

Vurderinger og anmeldelser

4,08k anmeldelser
5. mars 2019
I loved this movie. I am a chronic pain sufferer from a bad car accident but nowhere near what happened to Will. It broke my heart with his decision but unless you know the pain someone is in you cannot judge them. He loved her so much he wanted her to be free to live life like he once did. She gave him life again even if it was such a short time. Her gift to him was to be there until the end. I hope they make the sequel After You which tells about Louisa and her life after Will.
Dana Kuemmerling
9. september 2017
One of the best romantic movies of all time. I have watched this movie probably ten times, or more and it truly moves me every time, and of course makes me cry. I am however confused by many of the comments. .. it was made very clear that he was in a tremendous amount of physical pain. I do not understand anyone actually not being crystal clear on that. It's always easy to judge someone especially when you have not only never been in their shoes, Soto speak, but clearly never been in so much pain everyday for years and fully understand that no matter who you love, how hard you fight, what wonderful things or people you meet along that new journey in your life, when something so tragic changes it all, so quickly. His decision had nothing to do with being in a wheelchair or being a burden. It's not discrimination in anyway. Unless you have been there or watched someone who you truly love go through such unbearable pain I don't think that everyone could understand his decision. Unfortunately I do understand it and I am actually surprised and somewhat disgusted that people in general think that they are entitled to a opinion or judge anyone without knowing the facts and the pain of others. So over people making everything about discrimination. Only God can judge me.
131 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
Joslyn Sullivan
29. november 2016
I cryed and cryed about 56 minutes made me laugh it made me sad but overall I loved it.It made me feel like it was real it was that good.They are amazing actors/actresses I still do their accent till this day lol I would recommend this for anyone but if you cry easily I would grab some tissues before you even start the movie it was well worth the money