Meet me in St. Louis

1944 • 112 minutu
304 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

St. Louis 1903. The well-off Smith family has four beautiful daughters, including Esther and little Tootie. 17-year old Esther has fallen in love with the boy next door who has just moved in, John. He however, barely notices her at first. The family is shocked when Mr. Smith reveals that he has been transfered to a nice position in New York, which means that the family has to leave St. Louis and the St. Louis Fair.

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304 iritzi
Laura Smith
2021(e)ko irailaren 22(a)
This is a solid classic with the Amazing Judy Garland! So... I'm not quite sure What some people Are talking About when they say this is a corny movie. This is exactly What old movies were like. And whoever was sayin that it wasn't inspirational for children or little kids bc the little girl kept talking about dead ppl obviously didnt pay attention... bc she was talking about halloween. LOL! I'd Suggest this movie to anyone, any age, for anyday.
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j sab
2018(e)ko azaroaren 25(a)
This is a classic!! If you enjoy older films, this is one of the best of them. It is a musical and musicals can be a little corny(as somebody pointed out) and the littlest girl does talk about burying her dolls and talks about a neighbor at Halloween having dead bodies in his basement(same person). At our house we see this as cute And normal. Never miss it!!! Watched it every year since birth. .
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C DelRoMo
2015(e)ko abenduaren 9(a)
The beautiful costumes, lush pigmented sets & period decor, and of course the classic showtunes will instantly transport you back to a more simple time, as it sure did for thousands of military troops & families during World War II. Even in these tumultuous international times, it reminds us that the most important things in life are immaterial. The Winter Ball scene is my favorite. :)
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