
2014 • 78 daqiqa
219 ta sharh
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

Bu film haqida

Mercy is a supernatural thriller of family secrets and suspense. Two mischievous young brothers accompany their single mother to take care of their Gramma in her remote and lonely house. What begins an innocent gesture, leads to the discovery of terrifying secrets about Gramma's true nature. (Original Title - Mercy)

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219 ta sharh
Uselfax Turnage
29-oktabr, 2014
I paid almost $17 for this garbage! I hate buying these kinds of movies. This is a knock off of the skeleton key. Stephen Kings books maybe good but the books turn movies suck, except for the shinning. I'm a real horror fan and I'm real disappointed, don't buy this movie!
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Righteous Brother
14-noyabr, 2014
the star of the movie (the grandson) voice and personality was SOOOO annoying, the acting was equally lame, the plot was actually very good despite the acting being at an all time low. This movie stinks big time, so many inconsistencies I could've pointed out, but I think you guys get the point.
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None of Your Business
31-oktabr, 2014
The way this movies flows it terrible, it jerks along throwing plot twist and characters at you in an attempt to be scary. Don't buy or even rent this movie
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