Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

2016 • 98 daqiqa
3,1 ming ta sharh
R (17 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
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Hard-partying brothers Mike (Adam Devine) and Dave (Zac Efron) place an online ad to find the perfect dates (Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza) for their sister's Hawaiian wedding. Hoping for a wild getaway, the boys instead find themselves outsmarted and out-partied by the uncontrollable duo.
Yoshga oid cheklov
R (17 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

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3,1 ming ta sharh
Brandon Rice (TheHondaRice)
13-noyabr, 2016
Im not going to go into a Christian rant like the other negative comments. I like crude and vulgar humor. This movie has some funny moments if you enjoy the type of humor but as a whole the movie is pretty boring and stupid. I like the actors/actresses, i just think it wasn't the best I've seen from them.
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Matthew Maynard
8-oktabr, 2016
I laughed at a few parts, but wish I had waited for it to show up on cable or on a bus... or somewhere where I didn't have to pay and had severely low expectations for the quality of my entertainment. It was a bad rip-off of wedding crashers and the gags were pretty silly. Like I said, I did laugh, I just wish I hadn't wasted 5 bucks. It was lazy writing and the acting was half-assed.
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Google foydalanuvchisi
19-oktabr, 2016
I might be a bit "old school" because I really don't know why movies now have to have so many sexual references and foul language just to try to be funny. Fast Times at Ridgemont High was awesome, Thank God It's Friday is another great one. Come on and stop using God's name in vain so many times in theses movies. There are some funny things but not enough to earn more stars in the rating. Just being Real!
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