Miss You Already

2015 • 112 minút
286 recenzií
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Tento film

Milly (Collette) is the woman who has everything. Her best friend Jess (Barrymore) works in a community garden, lives in a boathouse and desperately wants a baby. Friends since childhood Jess and Milly can't remember a time they didn't share everything - secrets, clothes, even boyfriends, their differences are the glue that binds them together. That is until Milly is hit with the life changing news that she has breast cancer and now needs Jess to be the strong one.

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286 recenzií
Angela Hewett
25. februára 2017
After watching someone close to you go through the same illness, this is a movie that honestly nails it. It shows all the true sides of what it is like to not only suffer through the illness and its fate, but to also be someone on the outside that is watching you go through it. I haven't watched a movie that brings out the emotion like this one. Drew Barrymore and the other female actress were stunning, and I honestly couldn't see it played any better. Spot on.
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Laurie M
11. augusta 2016
Though there was parts that seemed awful because she cheated on the loyal husband who sticked through all the bad and good with her. There was the good moments with her best friend that came together as a family and stuck with one another nomatter how bad it got. They always came back. It's about friendship and husband and wife who go through things and still stay . it's about family. Nomatter what people who love one another stay with each other . this was a really good heart warming movie.
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Gayle Earp
23. septembra 2019
Wow! I am still crying! I was touched the way she handled her illness with humor.. I dont agree with her using another man to boost her ego.In real life it is scary, to have your life change, so fast.To be told you have cancer, praying and hoping you can beat.I was looking for a girly movie, funny Haha movie.surprise! I loved the movie, but did not like the way it ended.
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