Moby Dick

1956 • 115 minut
134 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

John Huston's 1956 Moby Dick remains admirably faithful to its source. Though slightly intimidated by the sermon delivered by Father Mapple (Orson Welles in a brilliant one-take cameo), who warns that those who challenge the sea are in danger of losing their souls, Ishmael nonetheless signs on to the Pequod, a whaling ship captained by the brooding, one-legged Ahab (Gregory Peck). In an obsessive pursuit of Moby Dick, the great white whale to whom he lost his leg, Ahab's dementia spreads throughout the crew members, who maniacally join their captain in his final, fatal attack upon the elusive, enigmatic Moby Dick.

Hodnocení a recenze

134 recenzí
v Rod (vRod)
1. prosince 2015
... one man's strong ego and maniacal mission puts his charges in peril, the original will always be the standard to which any remake will be measured.
7 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Maynard Walters
3. března 2015
Classic, but not as good as the one w/ Patrick Stewart
Cisco Soler
2. září 2017
Gregory Peck is AMAZING in this!!! Only great novel adaptation besides Jaws