Modern Life Is Rubbish

2018 • 103 minutos
2 recensións
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Acerca desta película

First brought together by their shared love of music, ten years on Liam (Josh Whitehouse) and Natalie (Freya Mavor, Skins)have reached a breaking point in their relationship. Liam, a struggling musician, cannot let go of his vinyl collection and refuses to adapt to a world of smartphones and instant downloads. Natalie has let go of her dream of designing album covers and become a rising star at her advertising firm. After making the difficult decision to separate, they begin splitting their prized music library.
Just when they think it’s over, the soundtrack that defined their relationship keeps pulling them back together. Ian Hart (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), Jessie Cave, Matt Milne (Downton Abbey), Will Merrick, Tom Riley and Steven MacKintosh co-star. Features music by Radiohead, Spiritualized, Joy Division and others.

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