Mona Lisa Smile

2003年 • 119 分鐘
18 則評論


1953 America was a time ripe for change for women and when Katherine Ann Watson (Julia Roberts) arrives to teach Art History at Wellesley College, she finds the institution drowning in outdated mores. While the nation struggles with the fears that accompany a shifting political culture, the powers that be at Wellesley seem to want to re-corset the women who had been the backbone of the World War II workforce just a few years earlier. A passionate educator, Katherine takes on the establishment and in doing so, deeply affects her students who in turn lead her to alter the course of her life forever. © 2003 Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


18 則評論
Daffodil Salad
Great window into campus life in an era when women had less choice, were hemmed in by expectations, sexual politics and the pressures placed on them by society, family, friends, the men in their lives and most of all themselves. Some fought back, others tried to conform. A reminder of the transformative power of education. Great performances.
John Ledwidge
I think this film captures a time and place quite beautifully. I love what I see, the music, clothes and a delicate camera eye catches a place in time beautifully...........we have all come along way from then and I think we lost something on our way....I hope you enjoy a view of another world in time as much as I have.
Ross Clarke
Very thrilling film