Sovereign Reign
I'm actually watching this in the midst of the Covid pandemic and racial injustice demonstrations after the extrajudicial murders of Amaud Aubry, Tony McDade (FtM), Nina Pop (murdered MtF), Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. The movie is okay in the sense it tells basically what is par for the course today - until we fast forward to present day. Even with cell phone video footage the murder of an African American male, a U.S. Citizen can be murdered and is basically a non-event. We watch monthly sometimes weekly Black people gunned down, choked, beat up, falsely accused for crimes they did not commit - Black cops being stopped by their own, yeah it happens. There was this black fireman who was checking combustible brush distances from houses for the upcoming fire season. He was in uniform and driving a big red fire truck. While doing his job one of the 'people' in this particular neighborhood called the police on him, they reported a suspicious black man looking into peoples backyards. The police came and questioned this man while he was in uniform with his big red fire truck visibly down the street. The fireman had to call his boss to come and vouch for him because we all know black men just for kicks run around stealing fire department uniforms and fire trucks and inspect peoples property to make sure their 3+ million dollar home doesn't go up in flames. Whats so bad about that is people actually found excuses to justify calling the police just like the white kid in the locker room, talking out the side of his neck! The interesting part is the taking of knees and Zyrick wearing the tee shirt of the slain black male and not having his sports future denied for taking a stand, that was worth watching until the end. Had he lost his opportunity to play because of participation in unifying protests (ala-Colin Kaepernick) or (Michael Sam/Jason Collins-these 2 gentle men are gay whose only crime was coming out of the closet) then the story would have really been closer to reality. Instead we are treated to a fantasy end an it's actually preferable. Does hoping for feel-good endings take away from the seriousness of the parallels IRL?
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Stephen Jacewicz
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Monsters And Men after watching a second time is a film that proves effective, and more it seems after second viewing, but I don't think it's as effective as other films about the issue of police brutality. There is one intense scary scene in Downtown Manhattan later in the film. The movie seems like an epic in a sense, like Moonlight and Green Book. It is a decent watch and I recommend watching it for free while it's still on certain sites for free. 3 and a half out of 5.
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olatunde shittu
The video is relating to cops and the abuse of authority in New York or particularly in the USA,IT TALKS ABOUT AN EXCUSE a cop gave to be free from interrogating society,BUT IT OF ALL talks about the action an athlete who lives with his father took with fellow friends maybe even his girlfriend.
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