Monte Carlo

2011 • 108 minút
1,87 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Get ready for an awesome adventure of a lifetime in Monte Carlo! Selena Gomez (Ramona and Beezus) lights up the screen as Grace, a high-spirited high school grad looking forward to a vacation in Paris with her best friend Emma (Katie Cassidy) and stepsister Meg (Leighton Meester). Just as the girls think their trip is ruined when their hyperactive tour guide leaves them behind, Grace is mistaken for a wealthy socialite and the trio is whisked away to Monte Carlo for a thrilling week of glitz, glam, and unforgettable fun.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1,87 tis. recenzií
Lynette Shandil
26. apríla 2015
I can watch this movie over and over cause I am a big fan of selina Gomez but to bad I can't meet her cause I live in fiji
594 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Milita Baquerizo Bayona
30. septembra 2014
La primera vez que la vi me encanto se los recomiendo comprenla tiene unas buenas actrices es muy chevere
175 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Noorhmoud Noor Al-hmoud
13. januára 2018
OMG I can't this is perfect im a big fan of Selena Gomez this is the best me too I can't see her because I'm from jordan
37 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú