
1979 • 126 minút
105 recenzií
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Tento film

In this adaptation of Ian Fleming's 1955 novel, James Bond (Roger Moore) must thwart Sir Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale), who plans to wipe out all of humankind and replace it with a super race that he has cultivated in a massive space station. The girl in the case is American secret agent Holly Goodhead, intelligently played by Lois Chiles. Jaws, the steel-mouthed henchman played by Richard Kiel in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), makes a return appearance in Moonraker, turning good guy (complete with a girlfriend of his own) in the process. Bernard Lee makes his last appearance as "M" in this most costly of James Bond's 1970s escapades.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

105 recenzií
28. novembra 2017
El problema de moonraker es que no es creíble y solo tiene un sentido, lo bueno es que a pesar de que la cinta es las menos interesantes, Moore rescata lo más entretenido del agente secreto en el espacio
19 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Ivy Poison
20. novembra 2016
No Croatian subtitles (at least add option to manually add Croatian subtitles while You refuse to add)
17 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Hannu Kakkonen
23. novembra 2019
Hyvä bond elokuva mutta liian yli ampuva menee avaruuteen parasta antia on richard kielin esittämä jaws