Dan Robertson
Quirky, surreal, enchanting - that's all you need to know. Needs to be minimum 100 words, so: Nulla pharetra lacus eu porttitor auctor. Sed luctus, massa id suscipit porta, nisl enim fermentum magna, id ultrices felis tellus nec ligula. Morbi nec lectus et nibh euismod euismod. Sed pretium sapien nec luctus fringilla. Nullam iaculis ultricies tempor. Fusce suscipit ac velit ac malesuada. Phasellus magna enim, consectetur sed maximus nec, rutrum eget sapien. Cras magna magna, feugiat a commodo ut, vestibulum et quam. Nam non elementum ex, pulvinar porta justo. Donec tincidunt tristique magna sed maximus. Suspendisse consequat rutrum nunc in vestibulum. Curabitur id quam volutpat, vestibulum arcu et, volutpat turpis.
Emsky K
If I could give this 4.5/5 I would as I do not think this is Wes Anderson's best film, but it is worth more than 8/10. The quirkiness in storyline, music and characters, which are all well acted as usual, are all typically Wes Anderson. Each of his films are recognisable as his and yet each is individual and fresh, and that is a rare feat.
Utilizator Google
Witty, cute, funny, stylish - everything you've come to expect from the man. Boasts an impressive cast too, playing roles you won't have seen them in before.