More Money More Family

2015 • 90 minút
6 recenzií
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Tento film

Sisters Ethel and Suzie haven't spoken in 15 years. When their brother dies and no one shows up, cousins Rudy and Shawn decide that it's time to get the family back together…no matter what! They hatch a plan to tell the entire family that they won the lottery and invite everyone to a party to pass out the money, hoping their mothers will come. Will the plan work, or will this crazy plan backfire and split the family apart forever?

Hodnotenia a recenzie

6 recenzií
Tammy Collum
11. novembra 2015
Worst movie ever, wish I could get my money back
Bolo to užitočné?
Davon Morrison
22. novembra 2015
Good movie very funny
Bolo to užitočné?

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