More Than Blue

undefined • 112 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

"More Than Blue" is a story of K (JC Santos) and Cream (Yassi), both orphans, who shared home without any romantic ties. K was abandoned by his mother when his father died of cancer, while Cream lost her entire family in a car accident. But when K discovers that he is dying due to terminal cancer, he secretly keeps it from Cream and pushes her to marry someone kind and healthy. Eventually, Cream meets John Louis (Diego Loyzaga), an affluent dentist, with whom she announces that she has fallen in love. It breaks K's heart, but at the same time, it makes him feel relieved knowing that Cream will not be left alone. True love goes with sacrifice for the sake of the person that is loved. But in the case of K and Cream, will it suffice to make the person feel all the more loved?

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4 recenzie